Suicide First Aid Zoom Training
6 hour Suicide First Aid Training 2 X 3 hour sessions over two different days. Day One 1pm-4pm Day Two 8:30am-12pm
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Suicide First Aid Training is delivered in two parts online - 3 hours each.
Session One (3 hours) - Understanding Suicide Intervention
This session looks at why we need to learn suicide intervention. Understanding the journey along the mental wellness spectrum towards suicide and the various coping options available along this spectrum.
This session also seeks to understand our reactions along this spectrum as helpers and how to better prepare a response that is safe for everyone.
Part Two (3 hours) - Learning the Suicide Safety Guide
In this session we look at the how. How to intervene safely and how prevent suicide when someone is at thinking about suicide. We follow a three step process that looks at key needs that we as the helper will learn to respond to safely.